These ladies enjoy a very comfortable lifestyle that allows them to take their pick as to where they soak up the sun during the day or rest their head at night. With the exception of their very intensive duties for about 8-9 weeks with their new kittens, they each have ‘lifestyle.’ These girls have very different personalities with individual needs that we lovingly accommodate… It can be interesting serving multiple Divas.
NANAIMO – seal point bicolour
Our lovely Nanaimo is one of the maiden queens that we hope will have her first litter of kittens in 2021. Her parents are currently still with us and she has the best attributes of both Kingman & Anna. She’s a large girl for her age with exceptional fur and eye colour. She is easy going but has bursts of spunk, and can be observed running from one end of our house to the other, skipping stairs on her way. We think she will make a good mother and have very beautiful babies.
ANNA – blue point mitted
Anna is one of our mature queens. She’s had a couple of litters with Kingman and her babies are always gorgeous, just look at Nanaimo eh?!! Anna has exquisite eye colour, fur and a very nurturing demeanour. We look forward to more kittens from Anna & Kingman again this year.
SURREY – blue tortie point mitted
Surrey is such a cuddly girl that it’s difficult to get a photo of her posing because she always wants belly rubs. She’s a rare split-faced tortie and she is stunning. Surrey’s babies are exceptionally beautiful and they all have her loving personality!
LATTÉ – chocolate mitted
Latté LOVES to be held! She is so pretty that she always gets her way… she follows us around and will elevate herself on things to GET OUR ATTENTION. She is Ragdoll perfection. Latté is still a maiden; we are hoping she will be an exceptional mommy later this year.
CINNAMON – cinnamon colour point
This girl always displays poise and distinction. She’s so beautiful! Cinnamon is affectionate, gentle, kind to her peers and a very dedicated mother to her babies. Her fur is gorgeous. She passes these wonderful attributes to her babies who are just as exceptional as she is. Cinnamon and Nutmeg are full sisters.

NUTMEG – fawn lynx point
Our dearest Nutmeg is the cattery QUEEN BEE! Among her peers there is no doubt about who is the boss and most often her position is respected. Some of our drama queens challenge her however their efforts are very short lived. Nutmeg is also our front door greeter and anyone who enters our home must be Nutmeg-Approved first. She has strikingly beautiful dark blue eyes for such fair colouring and her fur is exceptional. There are not many Ragdolls that are as exquisite as this one in our opinion!