O Canada Ragdolls


It would be our pleasure to assist you in determining if an O CANADA Ragdoll kitten/cat is a suitable pet for your home so before filling out an Adoption Form for an O CANADA Ragdoll kitten we require you to be familiar with the following information…

We only place kittens in family environments where a consistent schedule wouldn’t allow for more than 8 hours of being alone daily, 5 days a week.  If you have a young family that is involved in team sports resulting in a lot of time away from home during the evenings and weekends, please consider adopting another breed of cat.  Ragdolls REQUIRE significant social time with their people.

We do not consider adoption applications from university students but will welcome inquiries upon graduation once you are more established.  Thank you for understanding.

WE HAVE A STRICT ‘NO DECLAW’ POLICY.  Please do not apply if this is your intention! Anatomically, Ragdolls NEED their claws to support their large bodies.  It is a cats’ natural tendency to stretch and scratch with their claws intact.  We train them to use sisal on posts and props so they won’t unintentionally destroy their surroundings.  This may take a little patience and some re-direction until they understand their boundaries but, they ARE teachable and WANT to please.

WE HAVE A STRICT ‘NO OUTDOORS’ POLICY…EVER!  Please do not apply if you intend to let your cat go outside or if you have other outdoor cats.  Ragdoll cats are INDOOR pets only.  It is beyond their comprehension to even think that anything would harm them, and they are inherently defenceless.  They come by their name honestly.

Every pet deserves access to regular veterinary health care for checkups/vaccines and for preventative treatment if needed, as they transition through the various stages of life. Please consider the cost that is associated with the maintenance of a new Ragdoll family member.  We recommend that families consider enrolling in a pet insurance program for at least the first year.

O CANADA Ragdolls consume primarily Canadian made, human grade pet food.  It is our hope that they will live many HEALTHY years and it is our belief that the pet food products we have chosen are a more supportive choice, providing increased wellness for our loved ones.  If you are adopting one of our kittens, we request that you consider following thru with the quality diet plan that we recommend.

If you, or someone in your family has allergies to cats, Ragdolls may not be a good pet choice.  Although Ragdolls tend not to shed as heavily as other long-haired cats, they still shed somewhat and produce dander.  Allergic responses are minimal but still possible.  If you have family members with allergies, please do not fill out the adoption form.

We prefer that our pets live in a non-smoking environment please.

We prefer that you do not board your cat/kitten and ask that you consider bringing a caregiver into your home or take your cat to stay with a good friend or family member.

Lastly, please take note of any potentially harmful tendencies that your other family members and/or pets might have when considering a Ragdoll addition to your home.  Ragdolls are defenceless by nature and if you have other animals that might be aggressive or children that unintentionally play rough, you may want to reconsider.  A good home must be a harmonious place for ALL.

We are wanting to avoid a ‘buy and try’ transaction that would be very unfavourable for ALL.  Please don’t hesitate to ask for clarification about any of the above requirements.